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How To: Connect Multiple Stories

Long stories might bring in confusion for the user. So, here is how you can connect your multiple stories To make it easier, you can make multiple stories and connect them according to the scenario. Select a story from the main navigation story   Then click on create a story, to add multiple stories or to create a story, in general: story overwiew We can add stories in two ways:

Using The Link Story Plugin?:

This method is super simple. All you need is two stories, and here you go. By clicking on the 'link story' you can add to your desire. Click the link story button and select the story to which you want to connect. Note: Complete your first story beforehand. The conversation flow would be shifted to the selected story. You can not add further conversation flow in the current story after selecting the story.

Using Media Blocks?:

This method requires you to create a media block. Select the media block from the same main navigation or either from the left toolbar   During media block creation you can add a "Start Story" button and link the story you want to connect. Example as follows By tapping at 'Start Story' a page will appear (like this) where you can add the title of the button and can initiate a story. After you create a media blockhead over to your new story to add this media block. You can add the media block by clicking the "Media Block" from the left story menu. link story That's it. You have successfully connected two stories with the help of a media block. Go ahead save your story and make it more humane.