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How To: Generate Facebook Messenger QR Code

In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate the QR code for your Facebook Page.

Before we begin, make sure that your chatbot is connected with your Facebook Page.

From left Toolbar click on Promotion and select Growth Tools from the expanded menu.

You will see another Toolbar, select Messenger QR code from there.

You will be directed to a page like this:

Here you can enter a message you want to send to the user when they scan your code.

This message is optional. In absence of this message, your Get Started message will be sent to the user upon scanning the QR code.

Hit Generate Code.

Botsify will generate code of your chatbot.

Note: This code is an image and therefore you can save it and put it wherever you like.

Now you can connect instantly by scanning the QR code of the respective company.

It can be scanned anywhere, anytime and people can take advantages of your services whenever they want to.