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How to validate form fields with External API

Forms are used to collect data from the user in Chatbot. If you are using forms in your bot then you also want that you should not receive wrong data from the user like if you ask email from the user and user input wrong email and there is no validation then you would be receiving wrong data, Botsify provide built in validation of data as well, but if you want to validate your data by yourself so don’t worry we also have that option. Here is the process to follow to validate form fields with external API
  1. Go to create form page
  2. Input name of your form and click next
  3. Now the form field window should appear
  4. Click on settings icon on top right
  5. A validation area would be extended
  6. Here input your Error message and validation API link, you need to return JSON data in this format {"status" : true} | {"status" : false} from your endpoint.