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How to Integrate Stripe Payment

Stripe is a widely used online payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept payments over the Internet. Integrating Stripe into a website or application enables businesses to securely process credit card transactions and other online payments.

Step 01

Click on the Settings icon.

By clicking on the settings icon, a menu will appear on your screen from the left side.

settings in dashboard

Step 02

By clicking on Stripe integration, you will be redirected to a page where you can integrate it.

Stripe Integration

Step 3

Set the Public key & Secret Key.

Here, write your Public & Secret Key to integrate and start using it. 

Public key & Secret Key

Step 04

Click on the Save button.

Save button
Step 05

If you want to remove the setting so Click on the Remove Setting button.

Remove Setting button

Step 06

Create a Story and integrate the Stripe payment Block.

integrate Stripe payment Block

Step 07

Click on Stripe Payment  Block and Type here a Product Description, Enter the Product Amount, Enter the Payment Link, Select the Success Story, And Select the Failure Story in the Dropdown.

type stripe details

Step 08

Click on the Save Button.

Save Button

Step 09

Enter your keyword in the Chatbot, and then the Chatbot will Charge to you accordingly.

test your chatbot


Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows individuals and businesses to create and manage their online stores. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to help entrepreneurs and businesses set up, customize, and operate their own online shops, without needing to have extensive technical knowledge or experience in web development.


Go to the Shopify Landing Page at botsify.

Shopify Chatbot


Click on the Build your Chatbot Button.

shopify build your chatbot


Enter your Name and Email Address.

build shopify chatbot


Click on the Register Button.


Enter the Shopify Store URL then click on Connect Button.

connect shopify page


Start your conversation and Type Shopify Keyword.

Connect chatbot


Click on Products to show all Product Categories.



Select the category of products you want to view.


How to integrate OPEN AI ChatGPT Through Own Data

Integrating Chat GPT with your platform brings the power of advanced language processing to your fingertips. Seamlessly interact with users, provide intelligent responses, and enhance user experiences through the integration of this state-of-the-art conversational AI technology.


Step 1

Setting icon in dashboard

Click on the Settings icon.

By clicking on the settings icon, a menu will appear on your screen from the left side.


Step 2

By clicking on Open AI ChatGPT, you will be redirected to a page where you can integrate it.


Step 3

private Chat GPT API key

Set the Open AI Chat GPT API key.

Here, write your private Chat GPT API key to integrate and start using it. 


Step 04

Click on the Save button.

save button

Step 05

Set the Chat GPT Responses there are two types of Responses.


  • Own Data (Own data refers to the information and content that individuals or organizations possess and have control over. It typically includes any data that is generated, collected, or owned by an individual or entity, as opposed to data that is publicly available or sourced from external parties.)
  • Specific industry (Specified Industries means the consumer products, insurance, and financial products, agriculture, power generation, and water and natural resources industries.

Step 06

Train by document 
Train by URL 

 There are two options on which you can train your chatbot.

  • Train by document 
  • Train by URL 


Step 07

Upload Document

Click on Upload Document, To upload a document from which you can train your ChatGPT chatbot, You can upload PDF, docx, and TXT files. Also, you Can Select multiple Documents at a time and click on the Upload Button.


Step 08


Go to the Train OPEN AI GPT Tab, Type the Assistant Name, Type the Instructions then click on Train Button.


Step 09

Crawl websites by URL

If you select the option to Crawl websites by URL, if you want to read data through any website then you can enter a URL and click on the Crawl button then Click on the Confirm URLs Button.


Step 10

Create a Story and integrate OPEN AI Block

Create a Story and integrate OPEN AI Block.


Step 11

Open AI GPT Block

Click on Open AI GPT Block and Type here a Message in the Text box also you can attach a story in case ChatGPT is not responding so this message and story will show you.


Step 12

Industry-Based GPT AI

Select the Industry-Based GPT AI  Assistant on the Dropdown.


Step 13


Click on Save Button


Step 14

Default Story.

Set a story as a Default Story.


Step 15

Test bot

Type your Query in the Chatbot, and then the Chatbot will reply to you accordingly.

How to integrate OPEN AI ChatGPT Through Specific Industry

Integrating Chat GPT with your platform brings the power of advanced language processing to your fingertips. Seamlessly interact with users, provide intelligent responses, and enhance user experiences through the integration of this state-of-the-art conversational AI technology.


Step 1

Setting icon in dashboard

Click on the Settings icon.

By clicking on the settings icon, a menu will appear on your screen from the left side.


Step 2

Open AI ChatGPT

By clicking on Open AI ChatGPT, you will be redirected to a page where you can integrate it.


Step 3

private Chat GPT API key

Set the Open AI Chat GPT API key.

Here, write your private Chat GPT API key to integrate and start using it.


Step 04


Set the Chat GPT Responses there are two types of Responses.

  • Own Data (Own data refers to the information and content that individuals or organizations possess and have control over. It typically includes any data that is generated, collected, or owned by an individual or entity, as opposed to data that is publicly available or sourced from external parties.)

Specific industry (Specified Industries means the consumer products, insurance, and financial products, agriculture, power generation, and water and natural resources industries.


Step 05

set industry

 Here you can select different industries according to which you want your chatbot to respond.

Step 06

Save Button

Click on the Save Button.

Step 07

Create a Story and integrate OPEN AI Block.

Create a Story and integrate OPEN AI Block.


Step 08

Default message

Click on Open AI GPT Block and Type here a Message in the Text box, also you can attach a story in case ChatGPT is not responding so this message and story will show you.


Step 09

Select the Industry-Based GPT AI

Select the Industry-Based GPT AI  Assistant on the Dropdown.


Step 10

Save Button

Click on Save Button


Step 11

Set a story as a Default Story

Set a story as a Default Story.


Step 12

Test chatbot

Type your Query in the Chatbot, and then the Chatbot will reply to you accordingly.

Popup Chatbot From Button Click


If a user wishes to set a button for a pop-up chatbox, then the user can add class=”fireup-botsify-chat” on any button from where you wish to open chatbot.

 See Example:


<button type=”button” class=”fireup-botsify-chat” >

Button 1




You can create attributes for the user by just only clicking a button that contain class=”fireup-botsify-chat”. For setting attributes you have to pass data attributes for the user. In the example “qualifications” and “job_location” will be set as user attributes with the given values.

See Example: 

<button type=”button” class=”fireup-botsify-chat” data-qualifications=”inter” data-job_locations=”Bahadurabad”>

      Button 1




If you wish to run a story by just clicking a button from your own website then you have to pass data-story attribute to a button which contains class=”fireup-botsify-chat”. In an example, data-story is passed with the payload of the story which you have to trigger.

See Example

<button type=”button” class=”fireup-botsify-chat” data-story=”STORY_ID-123” >

Button 1




If the clients have a wish that its users may view the story every time it visits the website, then the user adds data-recurring=”true” attribute to a button, and if it wishes to run the story for once then the user adds, data-recurring=”false” attribute to a button must be run. This only works when data-story=”STORY_ID-123″ attribute is present.

How To Use Data Stores & Keyword Combinations


We have renamed entities to DataStore to help platform users understand this feature a lot easier – A place where you create ways to store user data!

Previously called “Entities”, a datastore is basically where you predefine certain choices, behavior, and user attributes that help you categorize bot users.

Data Store

You will now be seeing DataStore written everywhere in place of entities. As you can see, we have also mentioned it onto the sidebar. 

Other than the name, you can see a revamping when you click create DataStore – Custom and Predefined Patterns options.

Custom DataStore allows you to create any possible custom category that you might want to store data in by using certain keywords.

Whereas, Global DataStore allows you to save data within predefined categories like phone number, amount of money, email, URL, location, date/time, etc. 

Moving onto…

User Message in Story

Earlier, the user message had 3 options to choose the type of user message which were keyword match, entity match, and phrase match.

We have now narrowed it down to 2 options Keyword Combination and Phrase

The phrase user message type is just as it was before: 

Keyword Combination is, however, a very interesting new upgrade.

You can choose between a number of Keywords AND a variable from DataStore (previous entity):

Keeping in mind, that you can choose up to 3 keywords OR variables OR a combination of both by clicking on the “Add” option:

I hope you enjoy the updated features as our sole purpose of adding new things and renewing the existing ones, is always to make things faster, better, and easier for you!

Use Story/Media Block with send to messenger button

You can send a story and media block through Send to Messenger button on your website.

Any story or media block you create will be triggered as soon as a user clicks on your Send to Messenger button.

Here’s how to do it:

Go to your Facebook-connected Botsify chatbot and select Growth Tools. When the sidebar expands click on Send to Messenger.


Select a story if you want to initiate a story once a user clicks on your send-to messenger button or chooses a media block.

comment auto responder


Click on Generate Code and you will see the following display options of your send-to messenger button:

messege us

After Scrolling down, Choose the look you want for your send-to-messenger button and copy and paste this code on your website.

You can follow the same steps to send a media block through your send-to-messenger button.

How to Clone Media Blocks?

Learn how to clone media blocks to not ruin the original block!


Just like stories, you can clone media blocks too. Whether you have created a slider block or a button block, you can make a copy of every media block and then edit it as you like.


Here’s how:
Go to Chatbot AI and click on Media Blocks.


Media Block

Choose the block you want to clone and on the left bottom side of block click on the 3rd option given


Clone Media

And that’s it! Your media block has been cloned.

Preselect Language For A Multilingual Chatbot

The purpose of this tutorial is to preselect website chatbot language based on language selection of user on your site.


In order to make your chatbot multi-lingual you need to contact our team at ​[email protected]​ in order to activate the multi-language for your chatbot.


Once it’s activated you can proceed with the steps below to show load our website widget in the pre-selected language of your website by the user.


For this tutorial we have assumed that you have already pasted the website chatbot code on your website.
Now copy the code provided below and paste it under the website chatbot code:

function setParams() {
 var params = {
  'language': "<?php echo (isset($_GET['language'])) ? $_GET['language'] : '';  ?>"
 return params;


The above example is based on PHP code but you can replace PHP code with the code your website has developed.


Or you can also simply hard code the language based on the user sessions or your location based website. For example

function setParams() {
 var params = {
  'language': "es"
 return params;


Make sure your website doesn’t have already existed function with the name of setParams in your JS code.

*Note: ​The value language should be in standard shortcode, like “en” for English, “es” for Spanish.

Save Time by Cloning your Chatbot Story

Creating a smooth flow in the story is mandatory for any user so that your audience can reach to your action call. Most of the flows end up at the same endpoint.

To save your time, we have added this new STORY CLONING feature where you can clone the whole flow and edit it according to each query.

Here’s how you can clone your stories.

From the Left toolbar, Go to Chatbot AI >> Story


Create your story and save it. You can learn how to create a story from HERE

Click on the three dots then click on Clone Story and clone it.

Now you will find two same stories with the same flow. Now Click on one of the cloned stories and edit it according to your keywords.

Here’s how you can save time and decrease the chances of mistakes in making the same flow of your story.