Facebook Customer Chat

What is it?

Facebook Customer Chat allows you to integrate your Messenger experience directly into your website. This allows your customers to interact with your business anytime with the same personalized, rich-media experience they get in Messenger.


How to integrate it?

Go to the “Promotion” page from the side menu

Click on “Facebook Customer Chat” button and a window will pop up.

Here you will see 3 fields.

  • First is for your website URL,
  • Second is for a reference parameter, this field is optional and can be left blank, and
  • Third is for your generated code.

Fill the input fields for Website URL and Reference Parameter and hit the “Generate Facebook Chat Code” button.

This will fill the field for the generated code.

Go ahead and copy this code and paste it just before the ending body tag of your web page.

If you have followed each step, your page will have a messenger icon in the bottom right corner



At this time there are some limitations with Facebook Customer Chat


Supported Browsers:

Facebook Customer Chat is not supported for

  • Internet Explorer
  • In-app browsers on mobile

Supported Message Types:

Facebook Customer Chat supports following message types

Type                                                Supported

  • Text message                          Yes
  • Video/Audio/GIF                      Yes (Receive Only)
  • Quick Replies                          Yes (Supported for limited quick reply types)

Text Quick Reply

  • Persistent Menu                       No